
Team Dynamics 6

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Feb 09, 2024

Goodbye Auth0

My 6 years at Auth0 ... how it all started, what Auth0 meant to me, and why I will proudly wear that shield for as long as the swag holds up.

Jul 06, 2023

Conducting a Great Technical Interview

Technical interviews are a vital component of culture building and setting your team up for success. Here is how I make sure they go well and have a great time doing it.

Mar 07, 2022

Engineering Velocity from the Bottom Up

When I look to increase my velocity, I'm trying to deliver more work I'm proud of without burning out. I want to get the most out of my time and maximize the parts of the job that I enjoy. Here's how.

Dec 12, 2021

We Need Your Beginner's Mind

We need your experiments and your questions and your feedback. Your lack of understanding is a valuable attribute that goes away as you gain experience.

Jan 15, 2020

Notes from Rock Your Code Reviews with Dr. Michaela Greiler

I attended a great webinar led by Dr. Michaela Greiler on code reviews. I had my own opinions going in, of course, but I learned a lot and had a number of questions that I had (and didn't know I had) answered.

Oct 31, 2019

Learnings from Full Time Primary Interrupt (On-Call)

What I learned spending a month as the primary on-call for an open source support team.

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