HomePostsJun 13, 2008

Why I freelance (a picture story)

Scene 1 opens with our hero attempting to delete a file found on a shared network drive.

deleting a file in windows XP

confirm a delete in windows XP

cannot delete a file in windows XP because of another user

Our hero attempts to contact the colleague in question.

skype chat window

…time passes…

skype chat window

No response.

deleting a file in windows XP

confirm a delete in windows XP

cannot delete a file in windows XP because of another user

skype chat window


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Throwback Freelancing

Jun 14, 2008

How to Tame Your Technology in Four Easy Steps

I alway take a second look at what I do and what I own (or want to own) to make sure I don’t fly off the deep end and create more work/stress for myself. Here’s what I do to keep it all together.


Jun 06, 2008

Installing a font in Windows XP

This is a companion to my article I wrote a while back. Here is the quick and dirty process for adding a font in Windows XP.