Personal Development 26
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Mar 26, 2023
An Open Letter to My Mental Boardroom
A note to all the people that help make me better everyday.

Nov 21, 2022
If Your Loved One Has a Stroke
This year, I became my mom's co-caregiver, medical advocate, and financial administrator. I have learned an enormous amount about myself, Medicare, hospitals, assisted living facilities, the power of attorney process, medical advocacy, and mental health that might be helpful to others.

Dec 12, 2021
We Need Your Beginner's Mind
We need your experiments and your questions and your feedback. Your lack of understanding is a valuable attribute that goes away as you gain experience.

Mar 06, 2021
Cards to Live By
A little system I use to remember what's important to focus on during the day.

Feb 14, 2021
Curiosity, Freedom, and Truth: My Path to Mindfulness
Despite still riding out this pandemic with young children, the last 5 months have been a different internal experience than any other I can remember because of mindfulness.

Jun 27, 2019
Specializing vs Generalizing
Should you specialize and go deep or generalize and go broad? I'd argue they they are two sides of the same coin.

Jun 11, 2019
Improvement as Experimentation
I've gone through many transformations in my life. I have been lucky a number of times in a way that benefited me. I've also been unlucky a number of times that held me back.

Jul 10, 2018
Pitfalls of Being a WordPress Developer
Something happens to you as a developer when you start on and stick with a single platform for a long period of time. As you get better and better at that platform, you get further and further away from the rest of the ecosystem.
Jan 13, 2017
Getting the Non-Essentials Done
After years of reading about productivity (a generally unproductive thing to do), trying out different techniques and apps, and journaling, I have finally constructed a system that helps me complete concrete tasks consistently and efficiently.

Dec 08, 2016
How I Focus Now
After reading several articles and a great book, Deep Work by Cal Newport, I’m sold: focus is tough, necessary, and at a premium. I’ve been on a month-long discovery process to find how to work more efficiently (in other words: less screen time with more output), produce better, and avoid negative thoughts.

Nov 16, 2016
Digital Detox
Before this, I wasn’t just losing time, I was actively harming my thought process for the rest of the time that I wasn’t distracting myself. All of this consumption, in the name of doing more and better, was robbing my ability to do just that.

Oct 19, 2015
Much Needed Inspiration
An incredible movie, a life-changing product, and a quote. Might be just what you need right now too.

Jun 12, 2015
Lessons Learned in Agency
I've been doing agency development and design work for almost a decade, and customer service for almost 2. But I learned a lot when the tables were turned.

Mar 23, 2015
Become A WordPress Developer Overnight After 4 Months of Work
This is a summary of an email I sent to someone who wants to get into creating custom WordPress themes and plugins. I've been doing this for over 7 years now and would like to think I have something interesting and helpful to say about this.

Jan 05, 2015
Systematic Goal Elimination
I made a few significant life changes to achieve a set of personal goals that I’ve been chasing for years. I think we call this a “resolution” but I’m hesitant to use that colloquialism. These changes need to stay with me for the rest of my life.

Apr 29, 2014
Connecting Strategy to Tactics
Like a lot of people, I have many, many ideas going on at once and many, many tasks that need my time and attention, both of which are in short supply. Where do I start? What do I do? Where is my direction?

Feb 18, 2013
Two Worlds, Existing Side-by-Side, Always In Conflict
On how I have made a commitment, each day, to never getting mad, irritable, frustrated, depressed, or negative, no matter what. This probably sounds a little trite to some, maybe totally obvious to others, but it's something I needed to understand. "When the student is prepared, the teacher appears," says Brother Ali .... preach on.

Aug 14, 2012
Thoughts on Focus
I think a lot about focus, what it means, and how to find it. Focus is something that does not come naturally to most people and can be very difficult when you live an over-connected lifestyle. It’s something that you have to commit to, practice, experiment with, and make a priority.
Jun 21, 2011
I Don't Live the Life I Want (yet)

Dec 30, 2009
Insane Ideas Are Life's Great Equalizer
Between amazing web applications, unprecedented communication options, and practically incomprehensible medical technology advances, we’re living in a time of incredible ideas that have come to fruition.

Oct 27, 2009
Do it, then do it better: an iterative mindset
Though I haven’t eliminated repetition from my professional life entirely, I’m aware of something very different at work. Creating websites from scratch can be tedious but it has taught me something critical about iteration.
Oct 06, 2009
What is Talent?
Talent is a funny thing. Being talented in something is a product of chance, practice, both, and neither (these days, I’m leaning much more towards practice).
Sep 03, 2009
Friends: holding you back or helping you?
By the end of my cigarette smoking career, it had taken me about 40 tries to put those damn things down but, one day, for no good reason, I did it. Was it just one of those great miracles of life? Maybe not ...
Nov 07, 2008
The Worst Possible Way to Work (or) How to Find a System That Works for You
I’m going to share with you how I work. This method would/will drive certain people nuts. This method is not foolproof but none of them are.
Nov 01, 2008
How to be an old(er) undergraduate or How I learned to accept what I've been given
I've been thinking about my past as a student and how far I’ve come as a person. I wanted to share a bit about what I’ve learned as the oldest dude in my graduating class (except that other guy).